Monday, January 4, 2016

I resolve...

to not set traditional New Year's resolutions.
Instead, I plan to pursue fitness goals - including breaking the 30-minute mark on a 5K run, trimming down my half-marathon and 10K times and training with friends to meet the RKC challenge of 100 snatches in 5 minutes with a 16KG kettlebell. I signed up for at least one new race this year, and may try the CrazyLegs in Madison.
2016 will bring an end to my civic duty. I find it fascinating but also sometimes soul-crushing, and the commute forced me to adapt a bit to city driving.
Looking forward to time spent with friends and family, from a baby shower, wedding and hitting the all-nighter during Winter Carnival at Michigan Tech.
Hoping to scrimp and save and indulge in a trip to Florida, and perhaps Colorado.
Perhaps this will be the year I finally get the Magic Mike-themed birthday party I wanted when I turned 40.
Looking forward to 2016 and the adventures that await.

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